请将安全问题 仅 报告给 security@djangoproject.com。 这是一个只对长期以来高度可信的 Django 开发者开放的私人列表,其档案不公开。更多细节,请参见 我们的安全政策。
另外,在向 工单系统 <https://code.djangoproject.com/> 报告问题和请求新功能前,请考虑以下几点:
编写良好的 Bug 报告是非常有帮助的。不过,在 Bug 追踪系统中处理它们需要一定的开销。因此,我们希望您能尽量提交有用处的 Bug 报告。具体地:
要了解你创建的工单的生命周期,请参阅:doc: triaging-tickets。
如果你的 bug 或功能请求涉及任何视觉上的东西,则要遵守一些额外的指导:
我们一直致力于让 Django 变得更好,而你们提出的功能请求是关键的一部分。以下几点能让你更有效地提出功能请求:
如果对该功能达成共识,则适合创建一个工单,在工单的描述中加入在 django-developers 的讨论链接。
与大多数开源项目一样, code talks。 如果您愿意自己编写该功能的代码,或者更好的是如果您已经编写了代码,则更有可能被接受。 只需在GitHub上 fork Django项目,创建一个功能分支,并向我们展示您的工作!
Whenever possible, we strive for a rough consensus. To that end, we'll often have informal votes on django-developers or the Django Forum about a feature. In these votes we follow the voting style invented by Apache and used on Python itself, where votes are given as +1, +0, -0, or -1. Roughly translated, these votes mean:
Although these votes are informal, they'll be taken very seriously. After a suitable voting period, if an obvious consensus arises we'll follow the votes.
However, consensus is not always possible. If consensus cannot be reached, or if the discussion toward a consensus fizzles out without a concrete decision, the decision may be deferred to the steering council.
Internally, the steering council will use the same voting mechanism. A proposition will be considered carried if:
Since this process allows any steering council member to veto a proposal, a "-1" vote should be accompanied by an explanation of what it would take to convert that "-1" into at least a "+0".
Votes on technical matters should be announced and held in public on the django-developers mailing list or on the Django Forum.
5月 12, 2023