表单 API


本文档介绍了 Django 的表单 API 的具体细节。你应该先阅读 使用表单的介绍


一个 Form 实例要么是 绑定 到一组数据,要么是 未绑定

  • 如果是 绑定 了一组数据,它就能够验证这些数据,并将表单渲染成 HTML,并在 HTML 中显示数据。
  • 如果是 未绑定,它就不能进行验证(因为没有数据可验证!),但它仍然可以将空白表单渲染为 HTML。
class Form

To create an unbound Form instance, instantiate the class:

>>> f = ContactForm()

To bind data to a form, pass the data as a dictionary as the first parameter to your Form class constructor:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)

在这个字典中,键是字段名,对应于 Form 类中的属性。值是你要验证的数据。这些数据通常是字符串,但不要求它们是字符串;你传递的数据类型取决于 Field,我们稍后会看到。


If you need to distinguish between bound and unbound form instances at runtime, check the value of the form's is_bound attribute:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.is_bound
>>> f = ContactForm({"subject": "hello"})
>>> f.is_bound

Note that passing an empty dictionary creates a bound form with empty data:

>>> f = ContactForm({})
>>> f.is_bound

如果你有一个绑定的 Form 实例,并想以某种方式改变数据,或者你想将一个未绑定的 Form 实例绑定到一些数据,请创建另一个 Form 实例。没有办法改变一个 Form 实例中的数据。一旦创建了一个 Form 实例,你应该认为它的数据是不可改变的,不管它是否有数据。



当你必须为相互依赖的字段添加自定义验证时,在你的 Form 上实现一个 clean() 方法。参见 清理和验证相互依赖的字段 的用法示例。


The primary task of a Form object is to validate data. With a bound Form instance, call the is_valid() method to run validation and return a boolean designating whether the data was valid:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()

Let's try with some invalid data. In this case, subject is blank (an error, because all fields are required by default) and sender is not a valid email address:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "invalid email address",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()

Access the errors attribute to get a dictionary of error messages:

>>> f.errors
{'sender': ['Enter a valid email address.'], 'subject': ['This field is required.']}


你可以访问 errors,而不必先调用 is_valid()。无论是调用 is_valid() 还是访问 errors,表单的数据都会首先被验证。

验证例程只会被调用一次,无论你访问 errors 或调用 is_valid() 多少次。这意味着,如果验证有副作用,这些副作用将只被触发一次。


返回一个 dict,将字段映射到它们的原始 ValidationError 实例。

>>> f.errors.as_data()
{'sender': [ValidationError(['Enter a valid email address.'])],
'subject': [ValidationError(['This field is required.'])]}

当你需要通过错误 code 来识别错误时,请使用此方法。这样就可以在给定的错误出现时,重写错误信息或在视图中编写自定义逻辑。它还可以用来以自定义格式(如 XML)将错误序列化;例如, as_json() 依赖于 as_data()

需要使用 as_data() 方法是由于向后兼容性。以前,ValidationError 实例一旦被添加到 Form.errors 字典中,其 渲染的 错误信息就会丢失。理想情况下,Form.errors 会存储 ValidationError 实例,并且带有 as_ 前缀的方法可以渲染它们,但为了不破坏那些期望在 Form.errors 中渲染错误信息的代码,必须反过来做。


返回以 JSON 格式序列化的错误。

>>> f.errors.as_json()
{"sender": [{"message": "Enter a valid email address.", "code": "invalid"}],
"subject": [{"message": "This field is required.", "code": "required"}]}

默认情况下,as_json() 不会转义其输出。如果你使用它来处理类似 AJAX 请求的表单视图,客户端解释响应并将错误插入到页面中,你会希望确保在客户端转义结果,以避免跨站点脚本攻击的可能性。你可以在 JavaScript 中使用 element.textContent = errorText 或者使用 jQuery 的 $(el).text(errorText) (而不是它的 .html() 函数)来实现。

如果出于某些原因你不想使用客户端转义,你也可以设置 escape_html=True,错误信息将被转义,这样你就可以直接在 HTML 中使用它们。


Form. errors.as_json() 将返回序列化的 JSON,而这个则是返回序列化之前的错误数据。

escape_html 参数的行为如 Form.errors.as_json() 中所述。

Form.add_error(field, error)

该方法允许在 Form.clean() 方法中添加错误到特定字段,或者从表单外部添加错误,例如从视图中添加。

field 参数是应该添加错误的字段名。如果它的值是 None,错误将被视为非字段错误,就像 Form.non_field_errors() 返回的那样。

error 参数可以是一个字符串,或者最好是 ValidationError 的实例。关于定义表单错误的最佳做法,请参见 引发 ValidationError

注意,Form.add_error() 会自动从 cleaned_data 中删除相关字段。

Form.has_error(field, code=None)

本方法返回一个布尔值,表示一个字段是否有特定错误 code 的错误。如果 codeNone,如果字段包含任何错误,它将返回 True

要检查非字段错误,使用 NON_FIELD_ERRORS 作为 field 参数。


这个方法从 Form.errors 中返回没有与特定字段关联的错误列表。这包括在 Form.clean() 中引发的 ValidationError 和使用 Form.add_error(None, "...") 添加的错误。


It's meaningless to validate a form with no data, but, for the record, here's what happens with unbound forms:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.errors



使用 initial 在运行时声明表单字段的初始值。例如,你可能想用当前会话的用户名来填写 username 字段。

To accomplish this, use the initial argument to a Form. This argument, if given, should be a dictionary mapping field names to initial values. Only include the fields for which you're specifying an initial value; it's not necessary to include every field in your form. For example:

>>> f = ContactForm(initial={"subject": "Hi there!"})


If a Field defines initial and you include initial when instantiating the Form, then the latter initial will have precedence. In this example, initial is provided both at the field level and at the form instance level, and the latter gets precedence:

>>> from django import forms
>>> class CommentForm(forms.Form):
...     name = forms.CharField(initial="class")
...     url = forms.URLField()
...     comment = forms.CharField()
>>> f = CommentForm(initial={"name": "instance"}, auto_id=False)
>>> print(f)
<div>Name:<input type="text" name="name" value="instance" required></div>
<div>Url:<input type="url" name="url" required></div>
<div>Comment:<input type="text" name="comment" required></div>
Form.get_initial_for_field(field, field_name)

返回一个表单字段的初始数据。如果存在的话,它从 Form.initial 检索数据,否则尝试 Field.initial。可调用的值将被执行。

It is recommended to use BoundField.initial over get_initial_for_field() because BoundField.initial has a simpler interface. Also, unlike get_initial_for_field(), BoundField.initial caches its values. This is useful especially when dealing with callables whose return values can change (e.g. datetime.now or uuid.uuid4):

>>> import uuid
>>> class UUIDCommentForm(CommentForm):
...     identifier = forms.UUIDField(initial=uuid.uuid4)
>>> f = UUIDCommentForm()
>>> f.get_initial_for_field(f.fields["identifier"], "identifier")
>>> f.get_initial_for_field(f.fields["identifier"], "identifier")
>>> # Using BoundField.initial, for comparison
>>> f["identifier"].initial
>>> f["identifier"].initial



当你需要检查表单数据是否与初始数据发生变化时,请使用 has_changed() 方法。

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data, initial=data)
>>> f.has_changed()


>>> f = ContactForm(request.POST, initial=data)
>>> f.has_changed()

如果来自 request.POST 的数据与 initial 中提供的数据不同,那么 has_changed() 将为 True,否则为 False。结果是通过调用 Field.has_changed() 对表单中的每个字段进行计算。


changed_data 属性返回表单绑定数据(通常是 request.POST)中与 initial 中提供的数据不同的字段名列表。如果没有不同的数据,则返回一个空列表。

>>> f = ContactForm(request.POST, initial=data)
>>> if f.has_changed():
...     print("The following fields changed: %s" % ", ".join(f.changed_data))
>>> f.changed_data
['subject', 'message']



You can access the fields of Form instance from its fields attribute:

>>> for row in f.fields.values():
...     print(row)
<django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x7ffaac632510>
<django.forms.fields.URLField object at 0x7ffaac632f90>
<django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x7ffaac3aa050>
>>> f.fields["name"]
<django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x7ffaac6324d0>

You can alter the field and BoundField of Form instance to change the way it is presented in the form:

>>> f.as_div().split("</div>")[0]
'<div><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject">'
>>> f["subject"].label = "Topic"
>>> f.as_div().split("</div>")[0]
'<div><label for="id_subject">Topic:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject">'

Beware not to alter the base_fields attribute because this modification will influence all subsequent ContactForm instances within the same Python process:

>>> f.base_fields["subject"].label_suffix = "?"
>>> another_f = CommentForm(auto_id=False)
>>> f.as_div().split("</div>")[0]
'<div><label for="id_subject">Subject?</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject">'



Form 类中的每个字段不仅负责验证数据,还负责“清理”数据——将其规范为一致的格式。这是一个很好的功能,因为它允许以各种方式输入特定字段的数据,并总是产生一致的输出。

例如, DateField 将输入规范化为 Python 的 datetime.date 对象。无论你传递给它的是格式为 '1994-07-15' 的字符串,还是 datetime.date 对象,或者其他一些格式,只要它是有效的,DateField 都会将它规范化为 datetime.date 对象。

Once you've created a Form instance with a set of data and validated it, you can access the clean data via its cleaned_data attribute:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.cleaned_data
{'cc_myself': True, 'message': 'Hi there', 'sender': 'foo@example.com', 'subject': 'hello'}

请注意,任何基于文本的字段——如 CharFieldEmailField——总是将输入清理成一个字符串。我们将在本文档后面介绍编码的含义。

If your data does not validate, the cleaned_data dictionary contains only the valid fields:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "invalid email address",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.cleaned_data
{'cc_myself': True, 'message': 'Hi there'}

cleaned_data will always only contain a key for fields defined in the Form, even if you pass extra data when you define the Form. In this example, we pass a bunch of extra fields to the ContactForm constructor, but cleaned_data contains only the form's fields:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
...     "extra_field_1": "foo",
...     "extra_field_2": "bar",
...     "extra_field_3": "baz",
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.cleaned_data  # Doesn't contain extra_field_1, etc.
{'cc_myself': True, 'message': 'Hi there', 'sender': 'foo@example.com', 'subject': 'hello'}

When the Form is valid, cleaned_data will include a key and value for all its fields, even if the data didn't include a value for some optional fields. In this example, the data dictionary doesn't include a value for the nick_name field, but cleaned_data includes it, with an empty value:

>>> from django import forms
>>> class OptionalPersonForm(forms.Form):
...     first_name = forms.CharField()
...     last_name = forms.CharField()
...     nick_name = forms.CharField(required=False)
>>> data = {"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Lennon"}
>>> f = OptionalPersonForm(data)
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.cleaned_data
{'nick_name': '', 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Lennon'}

在上面这个例子中,nick_namecleaned_data 值被设置为一个空字符串,因为 nick_nameCharField,而 CharField 将空值视为空字符串。每个字段类型都知道它的“空”值是什么——例如,对于 DateField,它是 None 而不是空字符串。关于每个字段在这种情况下的行为的全部细节,请参阅下面“内置 Field 类”一节中每个字段的“空值”说明。

你可以编写代码来对特定的表单字段(基于其名称)或整个表单(考虑各种字段的组合)进行验证。更多关于这方面的信息请参见 表单和字段验证

将表单输出为 HTML

The second task of a Form object is to render itself as HTML. To do so, print it:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject"></div>
<div><label for="id_message">Message:</label><input type="text" name="message" required id="id_message"></div>
<div><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label><input type="email" name="sender" required id="id_sender"></div>
<div><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></div>

If the form is bound to data, the HTML output will include that data appropriately. For example, if a field is represented by an <input type="text">, the data will be in the value attribute. If a field is represented by an <input type="checkbox">, then that HTML will include checked if appropriate:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" value="hello" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject"></div>
<div><label for="id_message">Message:</label><input type="text" name="message" value="Hi there" required id="id_message"></div>
<div><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label><input type="email" name="sender" value="foo@example.com" required id="id_sender"></div>
<div><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself" checked></div>

This default output wraps each field with a <div>. Notice the following:

  • For flexibility, the output does not include the <form> and </form> tags or an <input type="submit"> tag. It's your job to do that.
  • 每个字段类型都有一个默认的 HTML 表示。CharField<input type="text"> 表示,EmailField<input type="email"> 表示。BooleanField(null=False) 由一个 <input type="checkbox">。请注意,这些只是合理的默认值;你可以通过使用部件来指定一个给定字段使用的 HTML,我们将在后面解释。
  • 每个标签的 HTML name 直接从 ContactForm 类中的属性名中提取。
  • 每个字段的文本标签——例如 'Subject:''Message:''Cc myself:',是根据字段名将所有下划线转换为空格并将第一个字母大写而产生的。同样,请注意这些只是合理的默认值;你也可以手动指定标签。
  • 每个文本标签都被一个 HTML <label> 标签包围,该标签通过其 id 指向相应的表格字段。而它的 id 则是通过在字段名前加上 'id_' 生成的。id 属性和 <label> 标签默认包含在输出中,以遵循最佳实践,但你可以改变这种行为。
  • 输出使用 HTML5 语法,目标是 <!DOCTYPE html>。例如,它使用布尔属性,如 checked 而不是 XHTML 风格的 checked='checked'

Although <div> output is the default output style when you print a form you can customize the output by using your own form template which can be set site-wide, per-form, or per-instance. See 可复用的表单模板.

Default rendering

The default rendering when you print a form uses the following methods and attributes.



The name of the template rendered if the form is cast into a string, e.g. via print(form) or in a template via {{ form }}.

By default, a property returning the value of the renderer's form_template_name. You may set it as a string template name in order to override that for a particular form class.


Form.render(template_name=None, context=None, renderer=None)

The render method is called by __str__ as well as the Form.as_div(), Form.as_table(), Form.as_p(), and Form.as_ul() methods. All arguments are optional and default to:

By passing template_name you can customize the template used for just a single call.



Return the template context for rendering the form.


  • form: 绑定表单
  • fields: 所有绑定字段,除了隐藏字段。
  • ·hidden_fields`: 所有隐藏的绑定字段。
  • errors: 所有与字段无关的或与隐藏字段有关的表单错误。



The template used to render a field's <label>, used when calling BoundField.label_tag()/legend_tag(). Can be changed per form by overriding this attribute or more generally by overriding the default template, see also 覆盖内置表单模板.

Output styles

The recommended approach for changing form output style is to set a custom form template either site-wide, per-form, or per-instance. See 可复用的表单模板 for examples.

The following helper functions are provided for backward compatibility and are a proxy to Form.render() passing a particular template_name value.


Of the framework provided templates and output styles, the default as_div() is recommended over the as_p(), as_table(), and as_ul() versions as the template implements <fieldset> and <legend> to group related inputs and is easier for screen reader users to navigate.

Each helper pairs a form method with an attribute giving the appropriate template name.



as_div() 使用的模板。默认值:'django/forms/div.html'


as_div() 将表单呈现为一系列 <div> 元素,每个 <div> 包含一个字段,例如:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.as_div()

… gives HTML like:

<label for="id_subject">Subject:</label>
<input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_subject">
<label for="id_message">Message:</label>
<input type="text" name="message" required id="id_message">
<label for="id_sender">Sender:</label>
<input type="email" name="sender" required id="id_sender">
<label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself">



The template used by as_p(). Default: 'django/forms/p.html'.


as_p() renders the form as a series of <p> tags, with each <p> containing one field:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.as_p()
'<p><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label> <input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></p>\n<p><label for="id_message">Message:</label> <input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></p>\n<p><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label> <input type="text" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></p>\n<p><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></p>'
>>> print(f.as_p())
<p><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label> <input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></p>
<p><label for="id_message">Message:</label> <input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></p>
<p><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label> <input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></p>
<p><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></p>



The template used by as_ul(). Default: 'django/forms/ul.html'.


as_ul() renders the form as a series of <li> tags, with each <li> containing one field. It does not include the <ul> or </ul>, so that you can specify any HTML attributes on the <ul> for flexibility:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.as_ul()
'<li><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label> <input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></li>\n<li><label for="id_message">Message:</label> <input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></li>\n<li><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label> <input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></li>\n<li><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></li>'
>>> print(f.as_ul())
<li><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label> <input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></li>
<li><label for="id_message">Message:</label> <input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></li>
<li><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label> <input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></li>
<li><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></li>



The template used by as_table(). Default: 'django/forms/table.html'.


as_table() renders the form as an HTML <table>:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> f.as_table()
'<tr><th><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label></th><td><input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_message">Message:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label></th><td><input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></td></tr>\n<tr><th><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label></th><td><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></td></tr>'
>>> print(f)
<tr><th><label for="id_subject">Subject:</label></th><td><input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_message">Message:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label></th><td><input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label></th><td><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself"></td></tr>




Form 类有几个钩子,你可以用来给必填行或有错误的行添加 class 属性:设置 Form.error_css_class 和/或 Form.required_css_class 属性:

from django import forms

class ContactForm(forms.Form):
    error_css_class = "error"
    required_css_class = "required"

    # ... and the rest of your fields here

Once you've done that, rows will be given "error" and/or "required" classes, as needed. The HTML will look something like:

>>> f = ContactForm(data)
>>> print(f)
<div class="required"><label for="id_subject" class="required">Subject:</label> ...
<div class="required"><label for="id_message" class="required">Message:</label> ...
<div class="required"><label for="id_sender" class="required">Sender:</label> ...
<div><label for="id_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label> ...
>>> f["subject"].label_tag()
<label class="required" for="id_subject">Subject:</label>
>>> f["subject"].legend_tag()
<legend class="required" for="id_subject">Subject:</legend>
>>> f["subject"].label_tag(attrs={"class": "foo"})
<label for="id_subject" class="foo required">Subject:</label>
>>> f["subject"].legend_tag(attrs={"class": "foo"})
<legend for="id_subject" class="foo required">Subject:</legend>

设置表单元素的 HTML id 属性和 <label> 标签。



  • 表单元素的 HTML id 属性。
  • 标签周围对应的 <label> 标签。HTML <label> 标签指定了哪个标签文本与哪个表单元素相关联。这个小小的改进使表单更加可用,也更容易被辅助设备访问。使用 <label> 标签总是一个好主意。

id 属性值是通过将 id_ 预置到表单字段名后生成的。 如果你想改变 id 惯例或完全删除 HTML id 属性和 <label> 标签,这种行为是可以设置的。

使用 Form 构造函数的 auto_id 参数来控制 id 和标签行为。这个参数必须是 TrueFalse 或一个字符串。

If auto_id is False, then the form output will not include <label> tags nor id attributes:

>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id=False)
>>> print(f)
<div>Subject:<input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></div>
<div>Message:<textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required></textarea></div>
<div>Sender:<input type="email" name="sender" required></div>
<div>Cc myself:<input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself"></div>

If auto_id is set to True, then the form output will include <label> tags and will use the field name as its id for each form field:

>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id=True)
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="subject"></div>
<div><label for="message">Message:</label><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required id="message"></textarea></div>
<div><label for="sender">Sender:</label><input type="email" name="sender" required id="sender"></div>
<div><label for="cc_myself">Cc myself:</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="cc_myself"></div>

If auto_id is set to a string containing the format character '%s', then the form output will include <label> tags, and will generate id attributes based on the format string. For example, for a format string 'field_%s', a field named subject will get the id value 'field_subject'. Continuing our example:

>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id="id_for_%s")
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="id_for_subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_for_subject"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_message">Message:</label><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required id="id_for_message"></textarea></div>
<div><label for="id_for_sender">Sender:</label><input type="email" name="sender" required id="id_for_sender"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_cc_myself">Cc myself:</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_for_cc_myself"></div>

如果 auto_id 被设置为任何其他的真值——比如一个不包含 %s 的字符串——那么该库就会像 auto_idTrue 一样。

默认情况下,auto_id 被设置为字符串 'id_%s'



It's possible to customize that character, or omit it entirely, using the label_suffix parameter:

>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id="id_for_%s", label_suffix="")
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="id_for_subject">Subject</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_for_subject"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_message">Message</label><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required id="id_for_message"></textarea></div>
<div><label for="id_for_sender">Sender</label><input type="email" name="sender" required id="id_for_sender"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_cc_myself">Cc myself</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_for_cc_myself"></div>
>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id="id_for_%s", label_suffix=" ->")
>>> print(f)
<div><label for="id_for_subject">Subject:</label><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required id="id_for_subject"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_message">Message -&gt;</label><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required id="id_for_message"></textarea></div>
<div><label for="id_for_sender">Sender -&gt;</label><input type="email" name="sender" required id="id_for_sender"></div>
<div><label for="id_for_cc_myself">Cc myself -&gt;</label><input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_for_cc_myself"></div>

请注意,只有当标签的最后一个字符不是标点符号时,才会加上标签后缀(在英文中,这些字符是 .!?:)。

Fields can also define their own label_suffix. This will take precedence over Form.label_suffix. The suffix can also be overridden at runtime using the label_suffix parameter to label_tag()/ legend_tag().


当设置为 True (默认)时,必填表单字段将有 required HTML 属性。

表单集 实例化表单时使用 use_required_attribute=False 以避免从表单集中添加和删除表单时浏览器验证错误。



指定 渲染器 用于表单的渲染。默认值为 None,表示使用 FORM_RENDERER 设置中指定的默认渲染器。

你可以在声明你的表单时将其设置为一个类属性,或者使用 Form.__init__()renderer 参数。例如:

from django import forms

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    default_renderer = MyRenderer()


form = MyForm(renderer=MyRenderer())


as_p()as_ul()as_table() 快捷方式中,字段是按照你在表单类中定义的顺序显示的。例如,在 ContactForm 的例子中,字段是按照 subjectmessagesendercc_myself 的顺序定义的。要调整 HTML 输出的顺序,改变这些字段在类中的排列顺序。



默认情况下 Form.field_order=None,它保留了你在表单类中定义字段的顺序。如果 field_order 是一个字段名的列表,则字段按列表指定的顺序排列,其余字段按默认顺序追加。列表中未知的字段名将被忽略。这使得在子类中可以通过将字段设置为 None 来禁用字段,而不必重新定义排序。

你也可以使用 FormForm.field_order 参数来覆盖字段顺序。如果一个 Form 定义了 field_order并且 你在实例化 Form 时包含了 field_order,那么后者的 field_order 将具有优先权。


你可以在任何时候使用 order_fields() 对字段进行重新排列,字段名列表如 field_order


If you render a bound Form object, the act of rendering will automatically run the form's validation if it hasn't already happened, and the HTML output will include the validation errors as a <ul class="errorlist"> near the field. The particular positioning of the error messages depends on the output method you're using:

>>> data = {
...     "subject": "",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "invalid email address",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> f = ContactForm(data, auto_id=False)
>>> print(f)
  <ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul>
  <input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required aria-invalid="true">
  <textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required>Hi there</textarea>
  <ul class="errorlist"><li>Enter a valid email address.</li></ul>
  <input type="email" name="sender" value="invalid email address" required aria-invalid="true">
<div>Cc myself:
  <input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" checked>


class ErrorList(initlist=None, error_class=None, renderer=None)

默认情况下,表单使用 django.forms.utils.ErrorList 来格式化验证错误。ErrorList 是一个类似列表的对象,其中 initlist 是错误列表。此外,这个类有以下属性和方法。


渲染错误列表时要使用的 CSS 类。任何提供的类将被添加到默认的 errorlist 类中。


指定 渲染器 用于 ErrorList。默认为 None,即使用由 FORM_RENDER 配置指定的默认渲染器。


调用 __str__render() 时使用的模板名称。默认情况下,这是 'django/forms/errors/list/default.html',它是 'ul.html' 模板的代理。


调用 as_text() 时使用的模板名称。默认是 'django/forms/errors/list/text.html'。该模板将错误显示为一个列表,其中包含了一些要点。


调用 as_ul() 时使用的模板名称。默认情况下,这是 'django/forms/errors/list/ul.html'。这个模板在 <li> 标签中渲染错误,并使用 error_class 所定义的 CSS 类来包装 <ul>




  • errors: 一个错误列表。
  • error_class:一个 CSS 类的字符串。
render(template_name=None, context=None, renderer=None)

渲染方法被 __str__ 以及 as_ul() 方法所调用。



使用由 template_name_text 定义的模板渲染错误列表。


使用由 template_name_ul 定义的模板渲染错误列表。

如果你想自定义错误的渲染,这可以通过覆盖 template_name 属性来实现,或者更普遍地通过覆盖默认模板来实现,也可以参见 覆盖内置表单模板


as_p()as_ul()as_table() 方法都是快捷方式——它们并不是显示表单对象的唯一方式。

class BoundField

用于显示 Form 实例的单个字段的 HTML 或访问属性。

该对象的 __str__() 方法显示该字段的 HTML。

To retrieve a single BoundField, use dictionary lookup syntax on your form using the field's name as the key:

>>> form = ContactForm()
>>> print(form["subject"])
<input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required>

To retrieve all BoundField objects, iterate the form:

>>> form = ContactForm()
>>> for boundfield in form:
...     print(boundfield)
<input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required>
<input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required>
<input type="email" name="sender" id="id_sender" required>
<input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself" id="id_cc_myself">

The field-specific output honors the form object's auto_id setting:

>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id=False)
>>> print(f["message"])
<input type="text" name="message" required>
>>> f = ContactForm(auto_id="id_%s")
>>> print(f["message"])
<input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" required>

BoundField 的属性


BoundField 的 HTML ID 属性。如果 Form.auto_idFalse,则返回一个空字符串。


This property returns the data for this BoundField extracted by the widget's value_from_datadict() method, or None if it wasn't given:

>>> unbound_form = ContactForm()
>>> print(unbound_form["subject"].data)
>>> bound_form = ContactForm(data={"subject": "My Subject"})
>>> print(bound_form["subject"].data)
My Subject

A list-like object that is displayed as an HTML <ul class="errorlist"> when printed:

>>> data = {"subject": "hi", "message": "", "sender": "", "cc_myself": ""}
>>> f = ContactForm(data, auto_id=False)
>>> print(f["message"])
<input type="text" name="message" required aria-invalid="true">
>>> f["message"].errors
['This field is required.']
>>> print(f["message"].errors)
<ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul>
>>> f["subject"].errors
>>> print(f["subject"].errors)

>>> str(f["subject"].errors)

When rendering a field with errors, aria-invalid="true" will be set on the field's widget to indicate there is an error to screen reader users.

Changed in Django 5.0:

The aria-invalid="true" was added when a field has errors.


这个 Field 封装的表单类中的表单 BoundField 实例。


这个 Form 实例与这个 BoundField 绑定。


字段的 help_text


部件的 HTML name 属性中使用的名称。它考虑到了 prefix 的形式。


Use this property to render the ID of this field. For example, if you are manually constructing a <label> in your template (despite the fact that label_tag()/legend_tag() will do this for you):

<label for="{{ form.my_field.id_for_label }}">...</label>{{ my_field }}

默认情况下,这将是字段的名称,前缀为 id_ (上面的例子为 "id_my_field")。你可以通过设置 attrs 对字段的部件进行修改。例如,声明一个字段是这样的:

my_field = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"id": "myFIELD"}))


<label for="myFIELD">...</label><input id="myFIELD" type="text" name="my_field" required>

使用 BoundField.initial 来检索一个表单字段的初始数据。如果存在,它从 Form.initial 检索数据,否则尝试 Field.initial。值为可调用对象将被执行。参见 初始表单值 获取更多的例子。

BoundField.initial caches its return value, which is useful especially when dealing with callables whose return values can change (e.g. datetime.now or uuid.uuid4):

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> class DatedCommentForm(CommentForm):
...     created = forms.DateTimeField(initial=datetime.now)
>>> f = DatedCommentForm()
>>> f["created"].initial
datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 27, 9, 5, 54)
>>> f["created"].initial
datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 27, 9, 5, 54)

建议使用 BoundField.initial 而不是 get_initial_for_field()


如果这个 BoundField 的部件被隐藏,返回 True


The label of the field. This is used in label_tag()/legend_tag().


The name of this field in the form:

>>> f = ContactForm()
>>> print(f["subject"].name)
>>> print(f["message"].name)
New in Django 5.0.

The name of the template rendered with BoundField.as_field_group().

A property returning the value of the template_name if set otherwise field_template_name.


Returns the value of this BoundField widget's use_fieldset attribute.


Returns the lowercased class name of the wrapped field's widget, with any trailing input or widget removed. This may be used when building forms where the layout is dependent upon the widget type. For example:

{% for field in form %}
    {% if field.widget_type == 'checkbox' %}
        # render one way
    {% else %}
        # render another way
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

BoundField 方法

New in Django 5.0.

Renders the field using BoundField.render() with default values which renders the BoundField, including its label, help text and errors using the template's template_name if set otherwise field_template_name

BoundField.as_hidden(attrs=None, **kwargs)

返回将其表示为 <input type="hidden"> 的 HTML 字符串。

**kwargs 传递给 as_widget()


BoundField.as_widget(widget=None, attrs=None, only_initial=False)

通过渲染通过的部件来渲染该字段,并添加作为 attrs 传递的任何 HTML 属性。 如果没有指定部件,那么将使用该字段的默认部件。

only_initial 是 Django 内部使用的,不应该明确设置。


When you use Django's rendering shortcuts, CSS classes are used to indicate required form fields or fields that contain errors. If you're manually rendering a form, you can access these CSS classes using the css_classes method:

>>> f = ContactForm(data={"message": ""})
>>> f["message"].css_classes()

If you want to provide some additional classes in addition to the error and required classes that may be required, you can provide those classes as an argument:

>>> f = ContactForm(data={"message": ""})
>>> f["message"].css_classes("foo bar")
'foo bar required'
New in Django 5.0.

Return the template context for rendering the field. The available context is field being the instance of the bound field.

BoundField.label_tag(contents=None, attrs=None, label_suffix=None, tag=None)

使用 Form.template_name_label 指定的模板,为表单字段渲染一个标签。


  • field:这个 BoundField 的实例。
  • contents:默认是 BoundField.labelForm.label_suffix (或者 Field.label_suffix, 如果设置的话)的连接字符串。这可以被 contentslabel_suffix 参数所覆盖。
  • attrs:一个包含 forForm.required_css_classiddictid 是由字段的部件 attrsBoundField.auto_id 产生的。其他的属性可以由 attrs 参数提供。
  • use_tag: A boolean which is True if the label has an id. If False the default template omits the tag.
  • tag: An optional string to customize the tag, defaults to label.


在你的模板中 fieldBoundField 的实例。因此 field.field 访问 BoundField.field 是你声明的字段,例如 forms.CharField

To separately render the label tag of a form field, you can call its label_tag() method:

>>> f = ContactForm(data={"message": ""})
>>> print(f["message"].label_tag())
<label for="id_message">Message:</label>

如果你想自定义渲染,这可以通过覆盖 Form.template_name_label 属性来实现,或者更普遍地通过覆盖默认模板来实现,也可以参见 覆盖内置表单模板

BoundField.legend_tag(contents=None, attrs=None, label_suffix=None)

Calls label_tag() with tag='legend' to render the label with <legend> tags. This is useful when rendering radio and multiple checkbox widgets where <legend> may be more appropriate than a <label>.

BoundField.render(template_name=None, context=None, renderer=None)
New in Django 5.0.

The render method is called by as_field_group. All arguments are optional and default to:

By passing template_name you can customize the template used for just a single call.


Use this method to render the raw value of this field as it would be rendered by a Widget:

>>> initial = {"subject": "welcome"}
>>> unbound_form = ContactForm(initial=initial)
>>> bound_form = ContactForm(data={"subject": "hi"}, initial=initial)
>>> print(unbound_form["subject"].value())
>>> print(bound_form["subject"].value())

自定义 BoundField

如果你需要访问模板中表单字段的一些附加信息,而使用 Field 的子类还不够,也可以考虑自定义 BoundField

自定义表单字段可以覆盖 get_bound_field()

Field.get_bound_field(form, field_name)

取一个 Form 的实例和字段名。当在模板中访问该字段时,将使用返回值。它很可能是 BoundField 的一个子类的实例。

例如,如果你有一个 GPSCoordinatesField,并希望能够在模板中访问关于坐标的附加信息,可以按以下方式实现:

class GPSCoordinatesBoundField(BoundField):
    def country(self):
        Return the country the coordinates lie in or None if it can't be
        value = self.value()
        if value:
            return get_country_from_coordinates(value)
            return None

class GPSCoordinatesField(Field):
    def get_bound_field(self, form, field_name):
        return GPSCoordinatesBoundField(form, self, field_name)

现在你可以在模板中使用 {{form.coordinates.country }} 访问国家。


处理有 FileFieldImageField 字段的表单比普通表单要复杂一些。

Firstly, in order to upload files, you'll need to make sure that your <form> element correctly defines the enctype as "multipart/form-data":

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/foo/">

Secondly, when you use the form, you need to bind the file data. File data is handled separately to normal form data, so when your form contains a FileField and ImageField, you will need to specify a second argument when you bind your form. So if we extend our ContactForm to include an ImageField called mugshot, we need to bind the file data containing the mugshot image:

# Bound form with an image field
>>> from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
>>> data = {
...     "subject": "hello",
...     "message": "Hi there",
...     "sender": "foo@example.com",
...     "cc_myself": True,
... }
>>> file_data = {"mugshot": SimpleUploadedFile("face.jpg", b"file data")}
>>> f = ContactFormWithMugshot(data, file_data)

In practice, you will usually specify request.FILES as the source of file data (just like you use request.POST as the source of form data):

# Bound form with an image field, data from the request
>>> f = ContactFormWithMugshot(request.POST, request.FILES)

Constructing an unbound form is the same as always -- omit both form data and file data:

# Unbound form with an image field
>>> f = ContactFormWithMugshot()



If you're writing reusable views or templates, you may not know ahead of time whether your form is a multipart form or not. The is_multipart() method tells you whether the form requires multipart encoding for submission:

>>> f = ContactFormWithMugshot()
>>> f.is_multipart()

Here's an example of how you might use this in a template:

{% if form.is_multipart %}
    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/foo/">
{% else %}
    <form method="post" action="/foo/">
{% endif %}
{{ form }}


如果你有多个共享字段的 Form 类,你可以使用子类来消除冗余。

当你将一个自定义的 Form 类子类化时,生成的子类将包括父类的所有字段,然后是你在子类中定义的字段。

In this example, ContactFormWithPriority contains all the fields from ContactForm, plus an additional field, priority. The ContactForm fields are ordered first:

>>> class ContactFormWithPriority(ContactForm):
...     priority = forms.CharField()
>>> f = ContactFormWithPriority(auto_id=False)
>>> print(f)
<div>Subject:<input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" required></div>
<div>Message:<textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="10" required></textarea></div>
<div>Sender:<input type="email" name="sender" required></div>
<div>Cc myself:<input type="checkbox" name="cc_myself"></div>
<div>Priority:<input type="text" name="priority" required></div>

It's possible to subclass multiple forms, treating forms as mixins. In this example, BeatleForm subclasses both PersonForm and InstrumentForm (in that order), and its field list includes the fields from the parent classes:

>>> from django import forms
>>> class PersonForm(forms.Form):
...     first_name = forms.CharField()
...     last_name = forms.CharField()
>>> class InstrumentForm(forms.Form):
...     instrument = forms.CharField()
>>> class BeatleForm(InstrumentForm, PersonForm):
...     haircut_type = forms.CharField()
>>> b = BeatleForm(auto_id=False)
>>> print(b)
<div>First name:<input type="text" name="first_name" required></div>
<div>Last name:<input type="text" name="last_name" required></div>
<div>Instrument:<input type="text" name="instrument" required></div>
<div>Haircut type:<input type="text" name="haircut_type" required></div>

It's possible to declaratively remove a Field inherited from a parent class by setting the name of the field to None on the subclass. For example:

>>> from django import forms

>>> class ParentForm(forms.Form):
...     name = forms.CharField()
...     age = forms.IntegerField()

>>> class ChildForm(ParentForm):
...     name = None

>>> list(ChildForm().fields)



You can put several Django forms inside one <form> tag. To give each Form its own namespace, use the prefix keyword argument:

>>> mother = PersonForm(prefix="mother")
>>> father = PersonForm(prefix="father")
>>> print(mother)
<div><label for="id_mother-first_name">First name:</label><input type="text" name="mother-first_name" required id="id_mother-first_name"></div>
<div><label for="id_mother-last_name">Last name:</label><input type="text" name="mother-last_name" required id="id_mother-last_name"></div>
>>> print(father)
<div><label for="id_father-first_name">First name:</label><input type="text" name="father-first_name" required id="id_father-first_name"></div>
<div><label for="id_father-last_name">Last name:</label><input type="text" name="father-last_name" required id="id_father-last_name"></div>

The prefix can also be specified on the form class:

>>> class PersonForm(forms.Form):
...     ...
...     prefix = "person"