为 Django 做贡献

Django is a community that lives on its volunteers. As it keeps growing, we always need more people to help others. You can contribute in many ways, either on the framework itself or in the wider ecosystem.

Work on the Django framework

The work on Django itself falls into three major areas:

Writing code 💻

Fix a bug, or add a new feature. You can make a pull request and see your code in the next version of Django!

Start from the 编写代码 docs.

Writing documentation ✍️

Django's documentation is one of its key strengths. It's informative and thorough. You can help to improve the documentation and keep it relevant as the framework evolves.

See 编写文档 for more.

Localizing Django 🗺️

Django is translated into over 100 languages - There's even some translation for Klingon?! The i18n team are always looking for translators to help maintain and increase language reach.

See 使 Django 本地化 to help translate Django.

If you think working with Django is fun, wait until you start working on it. Really, ANYONE can do something to help make Django better and greater!

This contributing guide contains everything you need to know to help build the Django Web framework. Browse the following sections to find out how:

Join the Django community ❤️

We're passionate about helping Django users make the jump to contributing members of the community. There are several other ways you can help the Django community and others to maintain a great ecosystem to work in:

  • 加入“Django论坛”。这个论坛是讨论Django框架以及使用它的应用程序和项目的地方。这也是询问和回答与安装、使用或为 Django 贡献相关的任何问题的好地方。
  • 加入| django users |邮件列表并回答问题。这个邮件列表有大量的读者,我们真的想保持一个友好和有益的气氛。如果你是Django社区的新手,你应该阅读 posting guidelines
  • Join the #django IRC channel on Libera.Chat and answer questions. By explaining Django to other users, you're going to learn a lot about the framework yourself.
  • 关于Django的博客。我们将所有我们知道的Django博客全部放在在 "社区页面 "上;如果想让你的博客出现在该页面上,你可以在这里 "注册"。
  • 贡献给开源的Django项目,写一些文档,或者把自己的代码作为一个开源的可插拔应用程序发布。可插拔应用的生态系统是Django的一大优势,请帮助我们构建它吧!

We're looking forward to working with you. Welcome aboard! ⛵️